Dr. Mary Mancini – Stanhopeas and Related Genera


Our July 12th speaker will be Mary Mancini, MD, a surgeon and AOS judge in the Shreveport Judging Center and AOS National Training Coordinator, and has won numerous AOS awards. Dr. Mancini will speak about Stanhopeas and related genera. Zoom opens at 7pm, meeting starts at 7:30.

Native orchid installation – Stunson Nature Trail

Stunson Nature Trail 1701 NW 38th Street, Oakland Park, FL, United States

The City of Oakland Park is installing native orchids in Stunson Nature Trail. They would welcome some volunteers who would like to assist. Please register in advance so we know who is coming.


Marni Turkel “Show Me the Plant” – ZOOM only


Our speaker will be Marni Turkel presenting "Show Me the Plant". How many of us have been disappointed when we finally bloom that plant we bought because the picture of the flower was so beautiful? It turned out to be a very small flower on a very long spike on an ungainly plant. "Show Me

“Members only” Native Orchid Sale

“Members Only” Native Plant Sale  Saturday, Aug 21st 10:00 am - Noon  1730 SW 30th Place, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 (Vicki Hallock’s House) Even though this is an outdoor event,  we prefer that you wear a mask. Please bring check or cash if possible as preferred form of payment.  Thank you! Orchids that are available:   Oncidium ensatum 3" medium

Ron Parsons – The Genus Dendrobium

Christ Lutheran Church Social Hall 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park, FL, United States

The Australasian genus Dendrobium is one of the largest genera in the most species rich flowering plant family of the world. More than 1800 species have been described (with likely many more to be discovered), and they are found anywhere from the lowland tropics to cool to cold high elevations. They occur from Japan and


What’s in a Name?


This introductory talk will help you understand the basics of orchid naming. From the tag in a pot you can tell whether the orchid is a species or a hybrid, and a whole lot more. Registration is required! Each registrant will be sent a unique set of tags to use during the workshop, something like


Slippery Tales – Mary Gerritsen

Christ Lutheran Church Social Hall 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park, FL, United States

Join us for our general meeting and Mary Gerritsen's ZOOM talk - adventures and tribulations searching for slipper orchids including the cursed Phragmipedium kovachii  This meeting will be "blended"... the speaker is on Zoom, and you can come to the church to participate or watch from home. Church rules currently require masks for all meeting


Christine Morales, Dendrobium Section Formosae

Christ Lutheran Church Social Hall 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park, FL, United States

Join us for Christine Morales' talk on Dendrobium Section Formosae. This meeting will be live at the church.  Church rules currently require masks for all meeting participants. Please don't bring any snacks as we cannot serve food. We will have a raffle table and show 'n tell.


Mexican orchids are their specialty, Jim and Melana Davidson

Christ Lutheran Church Social Hall 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park, FL, United States

Jim and Melana Davison, American Orchid Society Accredited Judges who have an extensive and diverse orchid collection, will speak at our next meeting at 7:30 p.m. on March 14 about orchids of Mexico. Many of these species are familiar to us and grow very well here. The couple are not only involved in caring for their

April 2-30: FLOS members teach orchid classes

Flamingo Gardens 3750 S Flamingo Rd, Davie, FL, United States

Society members are teaching orchid classes as part of Flamingo Gardens “Beauty of Orchids,” running through through May 8. Cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Get more info at FlamingoGardens.org. While you’re there, stop by and admire our society tree we spruced up with six specimen-sized C. skinneri donated by R F Orchids.