Speaker: Glen Decker:”The Hike from Hell”


Our April Speaker, Glen Decker, has been growing fabulous Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums for more than 40 years, earning numerous AOS awards, including the Butterworth Prize, Nax Trophy, W.W. Wilson Award, and the Carlyle A. Luer Award. He spoke at a FLOS meeting several years ago about his fabulous orchids, but his presentation this time will

Keiki Club meeting

Contact FLOS for location

The Keiki Club is for new members of FLOS. We meet to socialize and to learn about the basics of growing orchids.

Field Trip to Stunson Nature Trail

Stunson Nature Trail 1701 NW 38th Street, Oakland Park, FL, United States

Join us for a visit to the Stunson Nature Trail, also known as the "Parade of Orchids". The City of Oakland Park, the Urban Farm Institute, Florida Master Gardener Volunteers, the Equality Garden Club, and the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society all  collaborated to install around 1,500 native orchids along a beautify 1/4 mile trail planted

June 2021 FLOS meeting


Our speaker will be Thomas Mirenda,  speaking on Phalaenopsis.   He is a regular columnist in AOS's Orchids magazine. Zoom opens at 7pm, meeting starts at 7:30.

Native orchid installation – Orchid Park, Coral Springs

Orchid Park 1300 Coral Springs Dr, Coral Springs, FL, United States

The Garden Club of Coral Springs is installing native orchids in Orchid Park. They would welcome some volunteers who would like to assist. Please register in advance so we know who is coming.


Field Trip to Mac’s Orchids

Mac's Orchids 6800 Appaloosa Trail, Southwest Ranches, FL, United States

Join us for a visit to the new greenhouses of Mac and Helen Rivenbark, long-time FLOS members and orchid sellers. Everyone is welcome to visit. 10 am - whenever Raffle for FLOS members at 11am See Allen when you arrive to get a special FLOS discount coupon.


Native orchid installation – Snyder Park

Snyder Park, Fort Lauderdale, FL 3299 SW 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL

The City of Fort Lauderdale is installing native orchids in Snyder Park. They would welcome some volunteers who would like to assist. Please register in advance so we know who is coming.


Dr. Mary Mancini – Stanhopeas and Related Genera


Our July 12th speaker will be Mary Mancini, MD, a surgeon and AOS judge in the Shreveport Judging Center and AOS National Training Coordinator, and has won numerous AOS awards. Dr. Mancini will speak about Stanhopeas and related genera. Zoom opens at 7pm, meeting starts at 7:30.

Native orchid installation – Stunson Nature Trail

Stunson Nature Trail 1701 NW 38th Street, Oakland Park, FL, United States

The City of Oakland Park is installing native orchids in Stunson Nature Trail. They would welcome some volunteers who would like to assist. Please register in advance so we know who is coming.


Marni Turkel “Show Me the Plant” – ZOOM only


Our speaker will be Marni Turkel presenting "Show Me the Plant". How many of us have been disappointed when we finally bloom that plant we bought because the picture of the flower was so beautiful? It turned out to be a very small flower on a very long spike on an ungainly plant. "Show Me