December 11, 2016 – Holiday Party

Our annual Holiday Party will be held on December 11th at the Tower Club in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a relaxing evening together with your FLOS friends. The Tower Club has a fantastic view and it should be a great time for all.

28th Floor, Regions Bank Building
One Financial Plaza
100 SE 3rd. Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

We hold this Holiday Party instead of a regular meeting in December. Everyone gets an orchid!

Pricing $TBD.

December 11, 2016

  • Open bar 6:00 – 7:00
  • Dinner and dancing 7:00 – 10:00
  • From 7 to 10, wine, beer and sodas will be provided and other drinks may be purchased at the bar. (Credit cards only, no cash)

Ginny Salus is our party organizer.


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From Interstate 95 – Take the Broward Boulevard exit East, continue to Southeast Third Avenue. PASS Third Avenue and turn right into the first driveway to access parking.

From Federal Highway – At Broward Boulevard, go west to Southeast Third Avenue (the first street light) and turn left. Make another left on Southeast Second Street (the first street light.) Turn left into the second driveway to access parking.

Parking: Because it is a Sunday we can use the Regions Bank lot. The bank lot entrance is the immediate right after the intersection on SE 3rd Ave and Broward Blvd, in the Financial Plaza. The main entrance doors are to the right of the parking lot.

The Tower Club phone will be manned the night of the party if anyone needs help: 954-764-8550



Meeting May 9, 2016 – Luis Del Pino from Rio Orchids

Our May 2016 meeting will feature Luis from Rio Orchids on flasking.

Rio Orchids specializes in orchid flasking and quality orchids in the heart of the Florida Redlands.

Rio Orchids is the second phase of Ruben in Orchids (RIO). The first phase of the business was started in 1959 by Ruben P. Sauleda and his mother, Rebeca Sauleda.  It was recently purchased by Angie Villanueva and Luis Del Pino. They are agriculture enthusiasts and avid orchid growers who are continuing to provide the exceptional quality and service that was always provided by Ruben in Orchids.

Rio makes many of their own crosses and grow their seeds. They have a large selection of Cattleyas, Encyclias,  their crosses, and more.

The program starts at 7:30 p.m.

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.

Meeting October 12, 2015 – FLOS Orchid Auction

Our annual orchid auction takes place in October.  As always, expect unique, rare and exotic specimens to add to your collection! This promises to be a night of fun, fierce bidding and satisfaction as you go home with your coveted prize.

The auction starts at 7:00PM. Registration starts at 6:30.. Come early to register, inspect plants, and plan your bidding strategies!

Here are some tips for FLOS members: 

While you’re repotting, think about donating a division to FLOS. The proceeds from our auction go to reducing the cost for the holiday party. Remember we will be getting plants from vendors but we also need your participation.

 Donate healthy, pest and disease-free, named divisions. Bare root or potted.
 Include a picture of the orchid in bloom, if you can. (One of your own or one from the internet. Just Google the name for an image.)
 If you can’t get a picture, tell us what it looked like, such as “ Big white Cattleya with yellow lip” or “Blooms in winter around the holidays”
 Do you have extra pots or supplies that are taking up room in your grow area? One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

Here are some of growers that will be making donations for the auction: 

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.

Meeting November 9, 2015 – Guillermo Salazar

Our November 2015 meeting will feature Guillermo Salazar speaking on Epidendrums.  Epi is a huge genus with over 1,000 species, including the Florida native Epidendrum nocturnum, which many have seen in Fakahatchee.

Guillermo was born in Miami Florida but grew up in El Salvador in Central America.  He works for the Miami Dade College in the Landscape Technology and Biology Dept.

As a child of a nursery owner father and an interior and floral designer mother, Guillermo was able to develop his natural creative and professional talents even before attending college.

At Florida A&M University he followed his dream of becoming a professional landscape designer, receiving his degree in Landscape Design & Management.  Guillermo received a Master’s in Science in Environmental Horticulture from the University of Florida.

The program starts at 7:30 p.m.

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.

November 14, 2015 – Ramble

Our next ramble will be on November 14, 2015. We will be visiting:

  • RF Orchids
  • Carib Orchids
  • B & G Orchids

Cost is $30 per person

Bring a lunch and a box or crate for orchids. The bus does fill up!

We will provide water & juice on the bus.


Christ Lutheran Church (parking lot)
1955 East Oakland Park Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306


We leave at 8 AM

We return between 4 & 5 PM


Contact Allen Cogar 954-553-1351, or signup at the Society’s monthly meeting, or email

More info at our ramble overview page.

December 6, 2015 – Holiday Party

Our annual Holiday Party will be held on December 6th at the Tower Club in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy a relaxing evening together with your FLOS friends. The Tower Club has a fantastic view and it should be a great time for all.

28th Floor, Regions Bank Building
One Financial Plaza
100 SE 3rd. Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

We hold this Holiday Party instead of a regular meeting in December. Everyone gets an orchid!

Members $40; Guests $65.

December 6, 2015

Open bar 6:00 – 7:00

Dinner and dancing 7:00 – 10:00

From 7 to 10, wine, beer and sodas will be provided and other drinks may be purchased at the bar. (credit cards only, no cash)

Ginny Salus is our party organizer.


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From Interstate 95 – Take the Broward Boulevard exit East, continue to Southeast Third Avenue. PASS Third Avenue and turn right into the first driveway to access parking.

From Federal Highway – At Broward Boulevard, go west to Southeast Third Avenue (the first street light) and turn left. Make another left on Southeast Second Street (the first street light.) Turn left into the second driveway to access parking.

Parking: Because it is a Sunday we can use the Regions Bank lot. The bank lot entrance is the immediate right after the intersection on SE 3rd Ave and Broward Blvd, in the Financial Plaza. The main entrance doors are to the right of the parking lot.

The Tower Club phone will be manned the night of the party if anyone needs help: 954-764-8550



Meeting – January 11, 2016 – Fred Clarke

Fred Clarke, one of America’s premier orchid hybridizers, and will speaking on Catasetums.  His website is

Our January meeting always kicks off show week and for that reason alone it is both busy and exciting.

This year we have a very exciting night planned. Fred Clarke is famous for his Catasetum intergeneric hybrids which produced, after 10 years of work, the blackest flowers ever witnessed. That plant, of course, is Fredclareara After Dark which has been awarded eight FCCs. Fred has recently added New Guinea Dendrobiums to his normal interests of Catasetums, Cycnoches, Mormodes, and hybridizing Cattleyas, Bulbophulums, and Paphiopeilums.

Fred’s business is Sunset Valley Orchids in Vista, California. He has been growing orchids for over 35 years and hybridizing for more than 30 years. His plants have won hundreds of American Orchid Society quality awards.

Fred will bring pre-ordered plants to the meeting for pickup. He is offering a 10% discount on plants with no delivery charge for FLOS members. Check out his website and send him your order! He’ll take payment at the meeting. This is one way we get the amazing plants that we all enjoy every month on the judging tables.

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.

February 8, 2016 – Hyla Levine – Green Barn Orchid Supply

Hyla Levine will be presenting on Orchid Care for Beginners.

Hyla has been growing orchids for over 15 years.  Come and join us for this extremely interesting demonstration.

Green Barn Orchid Supply is located in Delray Beach, Florida in a charming 60 year old green barn. Their products are varied and we try to appeal to all of the growing needs. Potting mixes are inclusive of special mixes, hydroton, tree fern, fir bark, sphagnum moss, charcoal and lava rock. They have clay and plastic pots of all sizes. The vanda baskets are in both wood and plastic. They carry all the tree fern products, virgin cork, and grapevine.

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.