January 23, 2019 – Million Orchid Project Kickoff Event

Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society has joined Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s “Million Orchid Project” to help restore endangered native orchid species in Broward County.

The Kickoff Event is at 1:00pm on January 23, 2019, at War Memorial Auditorium. There will be education displays, a few small talks, and we will install native orchids into the trees in front of the Auditorium. This event is open to everyone! To learn more about this project please plan on attending and read about it on our website.

November 10, 2018 – Ramble

Our next ramble will be on November 10, 2018. We will be visiting several nurseries and filling the bus with beautiful orchids!

Stops will be at:

  • Quest Orchids
  • Soroa Orchids
  • RF Orchids – lunch and shopping
  • 4th stop tbd

Cost is $30 per person.

What to bring?

  • Lunch
  • Box or crate to hold your purchases
  • Personal beverages

We will provide water & juice on the bus and will have plant raffles on the way home.


Christ Lutheran Church (parking lot)
1955 East Oakland Park Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306


We leave at 8 AM  sharp. We return between 4 & 5 PM


Seats on the bus are first come, first served.

Contact Allen Cogar at 954-553-1351, or signup at the Society’s monthly meeting, or email tacogar@gmail.com.

More info at our ramble overview page.

Meeting October 8, 2018 – Orchid Auction

Our annual auction is a fun fundraiser for FLOS. We alway have a great selection of plants from our favorite orchid vendors and donations from FLOS members.

This year we will also be auctioning orchids from the Miriam Burtoff Collection. Miriam (known as Mary back in the day) was a long-time FLOS member and orchid collector with impeccable taste. She recently donated her collection to FLOS, which we deeply appreciate. There are many amazing plants on this list.

We will have a donation check-in table this year. Please drop your donations off with Zoe and Kate when you arrive.

The auction starts at 7:00PM. Registration starts at 6:30.

AUCTIONEER – Mac Rivenbark


Plants without identification are marked as NOID #xxx so you can keep track of the ones you want to bid on.

Many plants are donated so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the labels.

Miriam Burtoff Collection

Plants from the Miriam Burtoff Collection to be sold at 2019 auction include:

  1. Cattleya bicolor ‘Mendenhall Beta’ x self (bloomed August 2018)
  2. Dendrobium bifalce var alba
  3. Scaphyglottis leucantha – tiny white flowers
  4. Stelis argentata
  5. Bulbophyllum makoyanum
  6. Maxillaria tenuifolia
  7. Lc. Arleigh Ball (2009 Joe Grezaffi cross: Lc. Coastal Splendor x L. undulata)
  8. Bc. North Miami  (C. loddigesii x B. nodosa)
  9. Big Schombo – labeled thompsoniana
  10. C. lueddemanniana ‘Select #11’
  11. Lc. (Shellie Compton ‘ZF29’ x Tokyo Magic ‘Lea’)
  12. Stanhopea Ronsard (oculata x wardii)
  13. Blc. Carmen Tosado ‘Pikes Peak Ochre’ – big yellow flowers, red lip – STUD DIVISION, Rod McLellen / Stewarts
  14. Blc. Lois McNeil x C. Sea Breeze – hybrid of two big blues
  15. Ludisia discolor
  16. Lc. Pink Lady ‘Hihimanu’
  17. C. skinneri ‘Heiti Jacobs’ FCC/AOS
  18. C. trianaei (very select: ‘Arank Germanska’ FCC/AOS x ‘A.C. Burrage’ FCC/AOS)
  19. NOID #2 – Miniature Epidendrum – bloomed July 2018
  20. Dendrobium chrysotoxum
  21. Ctt. Rose Drop (Portia x Chocolate Drop)
  22. Epidendrum (Coilostylis) oerstedii – bloomed 43 flowers in 2018
  23. C. bowringiana ‘Spencer’s Blue One’ – ORIGINAL Fordyce Division
  24. Vanda tessellata – 
  25.  C. bowringiana ‘Farley’
  26. Lc. Little Susie ‘Shadow Lane’ AM/AOS  1959 Armacost cross: Ctt. Porcia x Ctt. Molly Taylor
  27. C. bowringiana v. coerulea ‘Denim’ (withdrawn)
  28. Den. anosmum album (alba)
  29. Bc. Daffodil ‘Muse’ x self (B. glauca x C. aurantiaca) (1949)
  30. Den. anceps
  31. Den. Memoria Margery Ulmer (blue ribbon, 2006 FLOS show table)
  32. B. digbyana ‘Mrs. Chase’ AM/AOS – (‘Belize’ x ‘Taylor Orchids’)
  33. C. labiata coerulea
  34. Clowestum ‘Dragon Whiskers (Clowesia warczewitzii x Ctsm. saccatum)
  35. Fredclarkeara ‘After Dark’
  36. Cycnoches chlorochilon ‘Giant Swan’
  37. Ctt. Penang ‘Black Caesar’ AM/AOS (1963 Jones & Scully – Nigrella x bowringiana, prolific and fragrant)
  38.  C. bowringiana ‘Blue Hawaii’
  39. Den. lindleyi
  40. Agrostophyllum khasianum (syn. Agrostophyllum planicaule)
  41. Den. moschatum
  42. C. (Gur.) bowringiana ‘Blue Hawaii’ MIA
  43. Sobralia biflora – frequent pink blooms, bloomed repeatedly 
  44. Sobralia decora – deep purple blooms, bloomed once in August 2018
  45. Sobralia NOID #16 – may be macrantha (3rd Sobralia MBC list)
  46. Stellamizutaara Red Thompson (Ctna. Why Not x B nodosa)
  47. Den. hercoglossum
  48. C. Portia ‘Appleton’ CCM/AOS Division of awarded plant
  49. NOID #6 – small bulbophyllum
  50. NOID #9 – large bulbophyllum
  51. NOID #10 – nice bifoliate Cattleya
  52. NOID #11 – Cattleya, probably a hybrid
  53. NOID #12 – large hard cane Dendrobium
  54. NOID #13 – Dendrobium, probably species
  55. NOID #14 – pendant Dendrobium, probably anosum
  56. Grcym. Lovely Melody ‘Sweet’ (Cym. onsifolium alba x Gram. scriptum alba)
  57. Den. secundum var alba ‘Tokyo’
  58. Den. spectabile
  59. NOID #3 Encyclia tbd, nice red flower
  60. Polystachya concreta 
  61. Fredclarkeara ‘After Dark’
  62. Clowesetum ‘Dragon Whiskers’
  63. Catasetum discolor
  64. C. lueddemanniana ‘Select #11’
  65. C. intermedia alba (‘Hoyt’ x ‘White Spring’)
  66. B. Aristocrat ‘Snowy Owl’
  67.  – tbd –
  68.  NOID #19 – nice bulbo
  69. NOID #7 – Brassavola tbd 
  70. Encyclia belizensis var parviflora. Kew now lists this as Encyclia alata ssps. parviflora
  71. NOID #18 – bifloliate catt
  72. NOID #15 – Grammatophyllum tbd
  73. NOID #4 – Brassia tbd very large, bloomed this past summer
  74. NOID #20, probably Oncidium sphacelatum
  75. NOID #21, in bloom

Miranda Orchids

Francisco Miranda specializes in Brazilian species at his west coast nursery, Miranda Orchids. We often visit him on our overnight rambles. He is a gracious host and generously supports our auctions every year. This year he donated:

  1. Dendrobium hancockii
  2. Cattleya aurantiaca ‘Orange Spots’ (2)
  3. Dendrobium loddigesii (2)
  4. Cattleya amethystoglossa 4N (2)
  5. Bulbophyllum miniatum (2)
  6. Bulbophyllum lasiochilum
  7. Bulbophyllum vaginatum
  8. Oncidium fuscopetalum (2)
  9. Cattleya labiata alba 
  10. Cattleya tenuis (2)
  11. Cattleya lueddemanniana albescens x sib (2)
  12. Cattleya intermedia orlata
  13. Cattleya bicolor
  14. Cattleya leopoldii alba x Cattleya leopoldii peloric alba
  15. Blc Golden Emperor ‘Valey Isle’ AM/AOS (4)

H&R Nurseries

H&R Nurseries is a Hawaiian grower. Their co-founder Roy Tokunaga recently spoke at our Society meeting. They donate amazing plants to our auction!

  1. Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite ‘Parkside’ AM/AOS
  2. Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite x Calanthe Grouville ‘H&R Red’
  3. Cattleya walkeriana rubra ‘Dark of Brazil’ x rubra ‘Flower Field’
  4. Dendrobium Norma Jackson x Den. discolor
  5. Dendrobium Green Mist (johnsoniae x convolutum)
  6. Dendrobium mirbellianum x stratiotes
  7. Cyrtorchis arcuata
  8. Dendrobium Sherry Abe
  9. Dendrobium Green Mist x convolutum
  10. Cymbediella rhodochila x falcigera

Carmela Orchids

Our good friend Sheldon has been a fixture at our show forever. We appreciate the great plants they donate. This year there is also a gift certificate!

  1. Dendrobium aggregatum
  2. Blc. Toshie Aoki ‘Starburst’ (2)
  3. Neostylis Lou Sneary ‘Bluebird’
  4. Rhynchostylis gigantea (red)
  5. Fredclarkarea After Dark ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’ FCC/AOS
  6. Den. Rhodopterrygium ‘C.H.#1’ x anosum S/A
  7. Gift Certificate

Platio La Orquidea

Romero is a great Sarasota grower and friend of FLOS who donated many interesting hybrids, sure to do well in South Florida.

  1. Bc. Maikai ‘Mayumi’ x Mcp. albopurpurea
  2. Blc. Cahuzacara Graf’s Cuaima
    (Bc. Maikai ‘Majuni’ x Blc. Apache Sunrise)
  3. Blc. Playa Morrocoy
  4. C. schilleriana ‘Polo’ x Sch. Heidi
  5. Bc. Maikai ‘Mayumi’ x L. purpurata ‘Dos Gauchos’
  6. Blc. Carolina Golden ‘D’or Naranja’ x Mcp. thomsoniana
  7. Myc. Forelira (C. Tropical Pointer x Mcp. grandiflora)
  8. Bc. Playa Camuri (Lc. Aloha Case x B nodosa)
  9. Den. anosum
  10. Schomb crispa x Schomb undulata alba otro rosa
  11. C. skinnerii ‘Debbie’ x C. skinnerii ‘Virginalis’
  12. L. purpurata sanguinea Mentzii ‘El Hatillo’ x ‘Orlato’

Red Hawk

Sheri is a former FLOS member and great grower. We unpacked her plants before we were keeping lists but remember this cool one going by.

  1. Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi ‘Red

Mickey’s Orchids

Second generation local grower and FLOS member Gale breeds flowers that bloom over and over in our climate. Great plants!

  1. Ctna. New River (2)
  2. Otaara Hidden Gold
  3. ? Jose’s Dark Star
  4. Bc. Adrienne Arsht
  5. Bc. Stu Hamilton

FLOS Member Donations

We are always grateful to FLOS members who donate plants for our auction. The proceeds support our society activities. If you know what are are planning to donate email richackerman@gmail.com and we’ll add it to this list!

  • Dendrobium Country Girl Warabeuta, donated by Olivier Turino
  • Dendrobium kingianum, donated by Olivier Turino
  • Blc. Chia Lin ‘New City’ – one well-established division in sheath, as well as two bare root divisions – donated by Claire Garrett
  • Potinara Susan Fender ‘Cinnamon Stick’ AM/AOS in bud, donated by Rich Ackerman
  • Vanda Miss Joaquim, donated by Rich Ackerman
  • Vanilla planifera – nine feet long – donated by Rich Ackerman
  • Phalaenopsis art photograph, donated by Chuck McCartney

Vendor Orchids

We will also auction lots of plants from some of your favorite vendors, including:

  • Mac’s Orchids
  • RF Orchids
  • Soroa Orchids
  • Dan and Margie’s
  • Krull Smith
  • Miller’s Way Orchids
  • Springwater

Auction Volunteers

Plant puller – Allen Cogar, Paul


  1. Vicki
  2. Luanne
  3. Gigi

Registration and banker

  1. Brian Boyle
  2. Sue Mitchell-Greig

Tally boards

  1. Tin
  2. Joan
  3. Jill

Donation sign-in

  1. Zoe
  2. Kate

Plant pickup and delivery
North) Joan & Gigi
South)  Allen and Sabra
Central)  Rich

Room Setup

Everyone who gets there early can help the House Committee of Tin Ly , Craig Barry, Rick Bellas, and Linda Hembree.


  1. Debbie Johnson
  2. Fran Renguso
  3. Kathy Homann

Mac’s photo by Ginny Salus

"image": [ "https://www.flos.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/actionpic-2000x916.png" ],

"description": "Time for a new orchid! Join us for our annual Orchid Auction. Lots of plants will be available from vendors and orchid society member donations. Registration starts at 6:30pm and the auction starts at 7:00pm." }

December 9, 2018 – Holiday Party

Our annual Holiday Party will be held on December 9th at Hugh’s Catering in Oakland Park.  Enjoy a relaxing evening together with your FLOS friends.

  • Open bar 6:30 – 7:30
  • Dinner and dancing 7:30 – 10:30
  • From 7:30 to 10:30 wine and coffee will be provided during dinner and other drinks may be purchased at the bar.
  • Music and entertainment by Salvatore Fazio.

Paula Kramer is our party organizer.

We hold this Holiday Party instead of a regular meeting in December. Everyone gets an orchid!

$40 for FLOS members
$65 for guests

We are all done selling tickets! See you at the party.


  • From Interstate 95 – Take the Exit 32 east (Commercial Blvd.) Turn right, onto North Dixie Hwy. Turn left onto Florinada heading east over the railroad tracks.  Turn right onto NE 12th Terrace.  Hugh’s Catering will be on the right with a gated entrance.
  • From Federal Highway – Take Florinada west to NE 12th Terrace, just before the railroad tracks, and turn left.  Hugh’s Catering will be on the right with a gated entrance.

Repotting triage

by Dot Henley

You realize you won’t get every orchid repotted that deserves to be repotted. What to do? Repot the most needy which would be these:

1. Any new orchid that you bought and that you have not repotted should be repotted. Many growers save labor costs by selling off the plants that need to be repotted. Furthermore the potting media used by growers probably won’t match what you use and will need to be watered differently.

2. Orchids with dying middles or leads probably have a rot beginning. Repot fast before you lose the whole plant. Cut off the sick/dying area and keep cutting with clean clippers for every cut until you reach clean tissue.

3. Orchids with established weeds need to be repotted to rid them of the weeds that will spread to your whole collection if you don’t stop them. IF you pull baby weeds EVERY week you won’t have established weeds.

4. Orchids that have an infestation of scale or mealy bugs should be repotted. Remove ALL the old medium, give the plant a hose bath unless it has very tender leaves, spray the nude plant with an insecticide, and repot the plant in a clean pot with clean medium.

5. Orchids that are giving off a foul odor and are not Bulbophyllums in bloom probably have rotten roots and need to have fresh medium.

Triage may let you delay repotting the less needy and YOU just became an “Orchid Doctor”.