Roger Hammer will present our April program. “Wild Orchids of Florida”.
Roger Hammer served as Senior Interpretive Naturalist for Miami-Dade County Parks & Recreation for over 30 years. He is well known for his knowledge and entertaining, informative delivery of information about Central and South Florida’s native plants and natural communities. He has publish several field guides and books on the wildflowers and native plants of South Florida.
He has been the keynote speaker at the World Orchid Conference, keynote and session speaker at numerous Florida Native Plant Society conferences, and the invited speaker for innumerable garden and landscape events throughout the state. Roger has been a part-time instructor and field trip leader for Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden for more than 20 years. In 2011, he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree by Florida International University. He is the recipient of multiple conservation and education awards from Florida’s environmental community.
You can learn more about our speaker at his website: